Thursday, August 28, 2008

And redemption is sweet,they all say......
I tried a lot to fall asleep..i realised it was not going to be possible..
It's not that it doesn't let me sleep..only sometimes it pricks somewhere deep within to accept what lies ahead..some uncertain feeling that sinks deep inside one's hollows and churns.. In some article i read,sudhir mishra calls it a "Ghost Day"..when the past intrudes into your present,pushes aside the immediate and snarls."Talk to me" it says.. and after all the talk,all you are left with is a cold,empty feeling..try as you may not to let them make a comeback,memories rush in and pour forth..memories that dries one's throat and burns one's eyes..
A sin it is called..sin of stealth-of a life or its soul..My hands look bloody..and a few dirty stubborn stains mockingly establish themselves to remain and haunt.. But,I've only let lives live. I've let me live..
What regrets should i have?What sort of redemption should i await?
I look out of the window..and as the night sky pours down all night long,i only wonder if the rains are purgative..