nOtt a trAffIc diversion.nOr a we've-changEd-fOr-yOu chanGe.
i caNt bLog hEre unLeSs i sTaRt nEw(nOt old-nEw,i mEaNt nEw-nEw)
a nEw uri wIll thRiLl me.
i waTcHed on diScOvery yesTerDay a cObra sheD hiSs sSkin
(i sTill dOnt knOw hOw to teLl a he-cObra frOm a sHe..
oR a he-snaKe frOm a sHe.eVen wiThouT knOwing iT i'M 22! sHit! wHy is thIs nOt uNbeliEvabLe!? i wOuld hAve feLt saNer hAd i fOund iT uNbeliEvabLe)
iF yOu cOncludeD cObras inSpire me,yOu muSt be oNe tOO.
tHis nEw uri shOulD thRiLl me - cLicK mE! I'm nEw! nEw! nEw
Sunday, March 14, 2010
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